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SMS for Churches Part 5: Manage the Day-to-Day

Note: this article is the final installment of our five-part series on how churches and youth groups use text messaging. You can read our fourth article on driving deeper connections here. When you’re managing a group of 10+ people, being able to get out a quick text message to everyone at…
September 20, 2017

SMS for Churches Part 4: Drive Deeper Connections

Note: this article is the fourth of our five-part series on how churches and youth groups use text messaging. You can read our third article on boosting internal communications here. It’s time to get deep. Look, all of the regular happenings at the church can be fine. A smooth-running Sunday service?…
September 19, 2017

SMS for Churches Part 3: Boost Internal Communications

Note: this article is the third of our five-part series on how churches and youth groups use text messaging. You can read our second article on increasing your congregation’s engagement here. In a church, internal communications obviously means the pastors and staff, but it can also mean the senior leaders, small…
September 18, 2017

SMS for Churches Part 2: Increase Your Engagement

Note: this article is the second of our five-part series on how churches and youth groups use text messaging. You can read our first article on getting more from your events here. At the heart of a regularly-scheduled service is engagement with your congregation. Text messaging can be a good fit for increasing…
September 17, 2017

SMS for Churches Part 1: Get More From Your Events

A church congregation is a valuable community that anyone can take part in. In order for any community to commune, you need good communications. These days, the fastest and most reliable form of communications is SMS (text) messaging. For a decade, we at txtsignal have proudly served churches and youth groups with…
September 16, 2017

Promoting Your Small Business with Holidays [Free List]

Holidays and special events can be an easy win for a quick promotion. Everybody likes to celebrate, from major holidays to quirky, industry-specific celebrations. As a small business, you can use holidays to your advantage by tying in promotions or incentives. To help you plan ahead, we’ve created a list…
April 24, 2017

Link Shortening and Tracking

You’ve planned out a great campaign and set up a link on your website… but that link pushes you way over your character limit! What do you do? We’re happy to announce that long links are no longer an issue. With link shortening, just type in your link and txtsignal…
March 27, 2017